My name is Ron Kostedt (photo right) and I am the Director of Social Services at the Little Sisters of the Poor St. Louis Residence. I have the joy of helping the Little Sisters welcome elderly men and women into our home.
The initial information that we seek includes:
- The current needs and health concerns of the prospective Resident
- Their current living situation
- Their age and financial eligibility
- The hopes and expectations of the individual and their family about entering a long-term care facility
Our goal is to make sure that the needs and desires of prospective Residents can be met in our home. If this seems to be the case, I will forward you an application for admission. If determined to be appropriate, an appointment with the prospective Resident is arranged so they can see the home and meet with some of the Sisters.
We have individual apartments, independent living, and nursing care available at our facility. If interested, please contact me so I can send you an application.
If we are not able to meet your needs, I will be happy to suggest other facilities and resources in the community which may be helpful to you.
For more information about admissions, please contact me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or (314) 421-6022, ext. 308.